
Sacred Earth 2017 Artist Spotlight: Dixon’s Violin

The world’s premier visionary violinist, Dixon’s life mission is to inspire people – and he has done so across North America, including giving three TED talks/performances, ten years at Burning Man, plus radio, TV, and film appearances.

Dixon walked away from a distinguished career to follow his dream full-time, and invented a whole new music genre. Based on his classically-trained violin mastery, Dixon now improvises on a 5-string electric violin with a looper to create an all-live one-man symphony.

Guided by his remarkable personal story of life transformation, he shows the beauty of doing something seemingly impossible. Dixon’s passionate energy will enchant, mesmerize, and inspire you!


“Dixon’s Violin is a journey of transformation, unlike anything else”  Alex Grey / Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
“The most beautiful sound in Sherwood Forest”  Electric Forest
“The violinist that is changing the world”  Preserve the Future
“Standing ovation…It’s no surprise that Dixon was voted the best of the evening” Examiner


“This was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life”
“If there could be a soundtrack to my own transformation, it would be Dixon’s Violin.”
“You are the singularly most profound thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you for altering my universe.”
“Dixon was mind blowing…it was so fantastic I can’t even describe. Life changing.”

A long time Chilluminati favorite, Dixon’s Violin has played for us many, many times… from our smallest, impromptu after-parties to our biggest, well-known festivals. Each performance from Dixon’s Violin sets itself aside from the rest. Your undivided attention is requested at the Sun Stage Saturday evening at 7:30 for yet another breathtaking performance.  🙂

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