Featured Sacred Earth Open-Air 2017

Sacred Earth 2017 Artist Spotlight: Primordial Ooze

Primordial Ooze, through countless mutations eventually developed opposable thumbs for twisting knobs and smashing buttons. Inspired by filtering experiences into sound by shaping waveforms and encouraging them to bubble and adapt to their sonic environment Primordial Ooze puts you in the center of the cosmic symphony. This sound surrounds you with frequencies immersing you into vibrant, ritualistic compositions that resonate deep within your primeval memories. While dancing if you feel like growing gills, horns, and tails, keep calm and keep on stomping as you’ve just awakened your fundamental self.

As one of the driving forces behind The Chilluminati, Primordial Ooze is no stranger to our stage. A Chilluminati favorite. Fun for the whole family… And your pet insects!

Catch their set on the Sun Stage, Sunday at 1:30AM for some gooey, psychedelic bubble music.


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