Sacred Earth Open-Air 2016

Sacred Earth Artist Spotlight: InertG

inertgbiopic-2i.n.e.r.t.G. is an acronym for “initiate neural existential research through Geometry”, and the creative altar ego of Phillip Anthony, a vital member of psytrance culture hailing from Austin, Texas. Bridging the realms of dark and light, dance and chill, he specializes in avantgarde, melody driven, experimental idm/breaks, psychill, and psytrance. In addition he has started the new label Saeiound, helped throw psytrance festivals in central Texas, DJ’ed as a part of the internationally renowned label Kinematic Records, and put a lot of effort into his “portal architechnology” (an evolution of sacred geometry). He wears a lot of hats when it comes to psytrance, and we here at Chilluminati thought it would be interesting to have a Q&A with this inspiring individual. So without further adieu…



So tell us about yourselfHow long have you been DJ’ing? How’d you get into this realm of psytrance?

Long story short, I gave some girl I met in another city my number and she invited me to a music campout thing. It ended up being a psytrance fest and I was enchanted by the impression of utopia amongst everyone; so I began networking. This was in the summer of 2010. By the end of 2011, some friends showed me the basics of DJ’ing, which was much needed considering I was always trying to play songs wherever I was hanging out.

Tell us about Saeiound.
Saeiound is a music outlet that I began this year, although it was in development for a couple years prior. Basically, I wanted to contribute high quality, emotive music to the collective database, so I chose to use the network I had built up over the past few years of booking shows in Austin to do so (instead of the usual route of beginning production lol). Since Enig’Matik Records and now Tympanik Audio have discontinued, I felt it was important to dedicate my resources towards reviving the realm of cinematic idm/glitch.

Have anything else you’re passionate about? I know you do artwork and organize events as well…
The first tattoo I received, albeit cheesy, is two Kanji characters: fiery and love–which is supposed to mean passion. Almost everything I do stems from the same intention of enhancing the world experience. The art was a hobby that others liked too. The festivals and events benefit the artists and spoil our local community with acts that would otherwise not come to Texas. I also love helping others progress in their crafts by sharing and networking for them. I know it’s cliché, but my biggest passion is simply offering my love in a way that is healthy and beneficial to others.

You’re one of those DJs that plays multiple styles and genres of music. This year you’re playing on the chill stage at Sacred Earth. What can we expect from you?
I am adamantly anti-genre when it comes to music. I like a few key elements: interesting (experimental), emotive (melodic, deep, and/or dark), and stimulating (psychedelic). Even in my psytrance sets, I tend to begin in edgy full-on and end in techy prog (or vise versa). If the set allows, I’ll even stretch that range to incorporate twilight. Thankfully the Kinematic Records archive is broad and accommodates nicely for this approach. As for non-psytrance, it depends on the time of day, but generally, my sets use melody as the glue with nearly complete disregard to genre. I typically start somewhere and work my way up or down bpm gradually until I come back to the same bpm. This started because I didn’t have enough music from any one style, so I had to figure out how to play the music I did have in a homogeneous manner.

You’re a label DJ for Kinematic records, which is a pretty killer label. Anything we should watch out for there? What are some of your favorite artists?
It’s really hard to pick favorites. Everyone has something I really like, but the new Superconductor EP is probably the most exciting thing to me that has come out recently next to San and Tac’s new album. I can’t really say much about what’s coming out next because our label head, Terrafractyl moved to Tasmania earlier this year and is trying to set up a studio for mastering. For the most part, the label is in a near-idle phase, but that shouldn’t last long. You can help expedite this by contributing to his crowd-sourced fundraiser:

Do you like dinosaurs? Which is your favorite? 
Um DUH! My favorite would probably be the monstrous, sick sea predators (all of them). I can’t say for certain though since I haven’t actually met any of them. Who knows the agenda of the media and which ones were actually tight and not just assholes 😉

You can catch InertG at Sacred Earth 2016 Saturday night/Sunday morning on the Earth (chill) stage.


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