
Sacred Earth Tier-2 Artist announcement



We’ve been hard at work to make 2016 our best year ever and we are very pleased to announce our second tier of artists for Sacred Earth 2016! We’ve got some real top-notch talent coming from all over the world! As always you can stay up-to-date with us and purchase tickets on the official event page:  https://www.thechilluminati.com/event/sacred-earth-open-air-2016/


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Fractaled Visions – Lake Tahoe, CA
fractaled visions
~Visions from the infinite realm~ Video mapped stage and video installation.




Perfect Stranger – Iboga Records, Israel
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/users/49155″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]


Perfect Stranger is a stage name for Israeli based electronic musician Yuli Fershtat. Perfect Stranger was created around February 2005, and within 2 calendar years became critically acclaimed all over the globe, always showcasing the next step with his multi genre psychedelic dance music, and ultimately culminated being a genre of it’s own, presenting a totally distinctive sound, characterized by groovy playful beats and patiently built compositions.

His music often defies genres bridging between progressive trance and techno with a presence of tribal and psychedelic elements. Perfect Stranger is successfully performing over and over at the most desirable festivals on the planet such as Boom ( Portugal 2008, 2012, 2014 ), Rainbow Serpent ( Australia 2009, 2011, 2015 ), Eclipse Festival 2012 ), Symbiosis Gathering ( USA 2009, 2012, 2013, 2015 ), Universo Paralello ( Brazil 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013 ), Glade Festival ( UK 2008, 2009 ), Antaris Festival ( Germany 2010, 2012 ), Ozora Festival ( Hungary 2012, 2015 ), Strawberry Fields Festival ( Australia 2011, 2012, 2015 ), S.U.N Festival ( Hungary 2013, 2014 ), Shambhala Festival ( Canada 2013 ), Subsonic Music Festival ( Australia 2011, 2013 ), Motion Notion Festival ( Canada 2012 ), Harvest Festival ( Canada 2011 ), Sunburn Festival ( India 2011 ), Eclipse Festival ( Canada 2010 ) and the list goes on and on.

Perfect Stranger released 3 full artist albums, 2 remixes albums, compiled 2 compilations and appears on well over a hundred other releases ( compilations, EP’s, albums etc ). He also owns the “Digital Structures” label, where he publishes more Tech orientated sounds.

After his epic “Free Cloud” album released on Iboga Records 2008 one of the critics wrote:

”A generic label would not do justice to the depth of Perfect Stranger’s heartfelt music, which transposes feelings from across the wide range of human emotions. In his creation, you’ll find tracks inspired by the bliss of sunbeams, by an ironic but yet candid take on the simple pleasures of life, or by the darker side of the self. His demanding standards regarding what our man qualifies as the “art” of sound, have led him to appropriate today’s trend, undoubtedly Techno, which he also DJ’s with a rare understanding and acute intelligence. His “new hybrid sound”, that incorporates Progressive Trance embedded in the dirty Techno-ish grooves and breakdowns, actually enables to maintain that old school spirit that is missed so much nowadays, but in a totally new and exciting presentation and composition. That is why it’s the ultimate brain candy out there at the moment.


Suit & Tie Guy – STG Soundlabs – Peoria, IL
This mysterious character lives in Chillicothe, Ill. quietly plotting intricate and intense electronic music while blithely being behind the mask of the ubiquitous suit and tie. Along with his personal recorded output, Suit & Tie Guy also records other bands and claims the position of “head honcho and chief dishwasher” for STG Soundlabs, “the world’s only purveyor of exclusively Moog and Eurorack format analogue synthesizer modules.”


Kri – T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi – Asheville, NC

Amidst the constantly changing psy-trance genre, Kri has exhibited a continuing passion for the depth and multi-layered sound that evolved from Goa Trance in the early days of the scene. While playing and composing melody driven tracks that always demonstrate skilled musicianship, Kri rouses listeners into fluid, euphoric motion and paints the party a vibrant psychedelic shade.

Playing and producing Psychedelic Goa Trance for over 24 years, Kri demonstrates immense dedication to the art by his ceaseless attention to every detail of the experience. Be it playing, composing, mastering, or promoting, there is no area in which Kri falters, making sure to work respectfully alongside other gifted artists devoted to the trance scene. His flawless mixing skills have earned him the respect of promoters around the country, and his professional approach to event production has elevated the TOUCH Samadhi annual fall gathering to one of the premier trance festivals on the East coast, blending a rich variety of live and electronic musical performance, sublime psychedelic visual art, and a message of universal peace, which together catapult attendees into intergalactic spiritual bliss.

As a performer, Kri weaves a musical spell that indulges listeners into easily merging with and being uplifted by positive Twilight Psychedelic Trance tracks. The sound he creates through his live act Annunaki is being heralded around the planet and is breathing simmering new life into the Trance world as if the music is propelled by a dragon high on Kundalini yoga. Kri’s superb intuition for playing to the human element produces a dance floor experience of complete immersion, of carnal union with the velvety flow of the beat, the body, the bass, the boom. Whether spinning a DJ set or performing a live set of his own compositions, Kri brings us music that forces us to remember why we are alive and to give thanks for every nuance of that sacred gift.

Kri has played along side: Hallucinogen, MFG, Infected Mushroom, Total Eclipse, X-Dream, Kox Box, Saiko Pod, Talamasca, Delta, Xerox, Huxflux, Magnatrixx, Mark Allen, Chris Bo, Space Cat, Cosmosis, Eskimo, Indiadrop, Synchro, Oryx, Void, Scorb, Stella Nutela, Psysex, Joti Sidhu, D-tek, Quadra, Bluetech, Solar Fields, Kaya Project, Shakta, and many more.





Sleepy Koala – Kinematic Records – QC


TAPAS – Pulsar Music – CA


Primordial Ooze – Chilluminati – Chicago/Milwaukee


Kahn – Pulsar Music – CA


Sanguine Mandragoa – Suntrip Records/Digitally Imported – Raleigh, NC


Mandala – Psychedelic Movement – Minneapolis, MN


Samuel Paradise – Intimate Venues – Asheville, NC


Ascension – Chilluminati – Denver, CO


Siens – CrowdPleaser – Denver, CO


Tim Clark – Alton, IL


Liminy – Boogie Knights/Seleka – Saint Louis, MO


Luminous Samael – Audiognomes – Madison, WI


The Gimp – Chilluminati/Plush Industries – Shillong, India/Milwaukee, WI


DfectV *live* – Audiognomes – Madison, WI


Captain EZ – Funaholics Unanimous, Sol Vibes, Zodiac Series, The Happening – Asheville, NC


Thomas Kelly – Toymaker Music – Chicago, IL


Future Sight *live* – Plush – Chicago, IL


Den-E – Jaded Elite – St. Louis, MO


The Professor – Metatrance – Denver, CO


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