Can you believe it? Sacred Earth 2017 IS HERE!
We have some important last minute details to share with you, so please take the time to read this post in its entirety. Most of your questions will be answered here.
Advance tickets are only available until 11:59PM THURSDAY JUNE 8. If you have not purchased advance tickets, please do so right away, or you will have to pay at the gate, which is a little more.
Everyone should have received their tickets by now. If you did not receive your tickets, some people told us that they were sent to their spam or junk email folder.
Please email us if you have not received your tickets.
Please print out your tickets or save them on your phone.
There is no internet around most of the venue. If you do not have your ticket available before you get to the venue, you will probably not be able to pull it up. Please have this available before you arrive. We can also look up any ticket purchase by name. If you cannot print your tickets, did not receive your tickets, lost your tickets, cannot pull up your tickets on your phone, or if you just want to make our lives difficult, make sure you have an ID and we’ll get it sorted when you arrive. 🙂
Volunteers spaces just about filled up. There are very few volunteer opportunities available for Sacred Earth this year. We had an overwhelming response to the volunteer program and all volunteer spots almost filled up earlier this morning at the venue. Apologies if you were counting on this. Please do check with us at the front gate throughout the weekend and if any more opportunities should arise, we will make them available.
Single day tickets are not available for Sacred Earth 2017. However, we do offer reduced admission depending on when you arrive. Here’s the breakdown:
Friday: $130 per person
Saturday after 12:00PM (NOON): $90 per person
Sunday after 12:00PM (NOON): $50 per person
Kids 10 and under are free.
Gates officially open Friday June 9 at 12:00PM (NOON). We cannot accept any registrations before that time. If you have a Thursday arrival, you can come anytime after 12:00PM (NOON).
We are currently scheduling to end the music sometime early Monday afternoon. When the event is “over”, you are not required to leave the grounds. You are welcome to stay an extra night or two to make sure you are well rested for your journey home. It is important to us that everyone begins their trip home safely. Everyone is welcome to stay until you’re rested and ready to depart. No member of the Astral Valley or Chilluminati staff will make anyone feel unwelcome should you choose to stay later than Monday.
There will be multiple craft and retail good vendors on-site. We also have a dedicated food vendor as well as ice. There will NOT be alcohol available for sale anywhere on the grounds. You are welcome to BYOB if you are 21+, but we will not have alcohol available for sale. Do not bring any glass containers. Glass containers will be confiscated and are not tolerated.
You can leave Astral Valley to make a run to town and come back. We do ask that you come prepared to stay, but you may leave and come back at any time.
NO ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES OR ACTIVITY. We will not tolerate any illegal activity at Sacred Earth. This is our community and our reputation. Help us protect it. If you see something, SAY SOMETHING.
Come prepared for sun! Bring plenty of sunblock, stay hydrated, stay in the shade if you’re too hot! It’s going to be a hot one, but bring warm clothes for night time in case you get chilly.
While there is no rain in the forecast, always come prepared for rain.
Roll Away The Dough is our food vendor for the weekend! They will have many breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options available for us all weekend including multiple vegetarian items. Bring some cash if you don’t want to pack your own eats!
All transactions at the venue will be in cash only. There is limited internet access throughout the grounds and we will not have any way to process credit or debit cards. This includes vendors and ticketing. There is an ATM on-site.
Regarding the venue map, please note where parking and camping is located. There will be printed maps available at the check-in. You may camp anywhere you wish except in the spaces clearly marked NO CAMPING. You may not camp in front of either stage or anywhere that is designated for special use. You may not drive your vehicle anywhere that is not marked as a road. The family camping and parking area is reserved for families only. General parking will be at top field. Use discretion when parking. Take care to not block anyone in or make it difficult for anyone to leave if they need to. We ask that if you have to leave the grounds for any reason that you try to do so during the day. ABSOLUTELY NO DRINKING AND DRIVING.
If you choose to camp at the upper parking/camping area, you may park where you camp. Please reach out to us if you have any questions in advance about this.
Firewood will not be available for sale at the venue. As you approach the venue on Roughley Road, there is a firewood vendor about 1 mile from Astral Valley that will provide firewood if you need it. You will have to contact them on your own. Fires are only permitted in designated areas or rings.
If you need medical attention, please visit one of the medical tents or come to the front gate. We’ll have staff available all weekend.
Please remember that your safety is our priority and your participation is at our discretion. We reserve the right to deny entry or make anyone leave for any time for any reason (or no reason) without a refund. Be respectful to those around you, obey the posted rules, pick up after yourself. Help us leave Astral Valley (and our reputation as a community) better than you found it.
That being said, let us know if you have any other questions TODAY. We will be turning off commenting on the Facebook event page as well as on our website on FRIDAY JUNE 9 as we will not be able to respond to any inquiries,
If you must reach us, please email thechilluminati(AT)gmail(DOT)com and we will reply as soon as we can.