Featured Sacred Earth Open-Air 2017

Sacred Earth 2017 Artist Spotlight: Dfectv

Dfectv’s multidimensional music is so dark and hypnotic, that it is heard in the deepest trenches of the ocean, and in the murkiest of swamps.

Dfectv’s music is a metaphor of the layers of illusion and sorrow of the world that we bury ourselves in. Awakening the great Kundalini serpent of the earth herself, his music stirs awake what lies dormant within us all.

Transforming us into our true selves, Dfectv’s music reminds us that like the snake, we must release what no longer serves us to be able to move forward, and create a new reality.You are the reason I do this, and I thank you for listening.

Catch Dfectv’s live set at 8:30pm Saturday on the Earth Stage and a special extended psytrance set at 12:30am Sunday on the moon stage!

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