Sacred Earth Open-Air 2017

Sacred Earth Open-Air 2017 Updates

Greetings! We hope everyone is surviving the Midwest Winter! As we all know, the festival season is getting nearer and we have been hard at work preparing for Sacred Earth 2017, which is once again taking place at the breathtaking Astral Valley near St. Louis, Missouri. We have some absolutely amazing things planned for you this year and we want to share some updates!

A lot of folks have been asking us about the artist lineup and when the ticket price will increase:  We are preparing to make our full lineup announcement at which time ticket prices will increase. You only have a few days left to get advance tickets at the current price. 

Discounts! You can save up to 25% on tickets by purchasing them for yourself and friends at the same time. You can also grab an additional instant discount by using the “Share” buttons on the event page. Pretty awesome if you ask us. See details on the event page

Speaking of tickets, We only have 4 days left in the first ticket giveaway contest- so please get your entries in! All you have to do is leave a comment on the Sacred Earth event page at and you’ll be automatically entered! Share your comment on Facebook and you’ll get an extra entry! We’ll pick and announce a winner when the contest closes! (And if you’ve been holding off on buying tickets, you don’t have to. If you are chosen as the contest winner and you already have tickets, we’ll give you the option for a full refund if you don’t want the extra tickets.)

As always, stay tuned to the main event page for the most up-to-date information and we’re really, REALLY excited to share more details with you next week. Have a great weekend!

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